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Invest in our planet

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

Robert Swan

Earth Day 2022: “Invest in our planet.”

In the spring of 1970, ‘Earth Day’ was proposed by Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin, who served as a senator and governor of the United States. From that day on, Earth Day was celebrated worldwide every year on the 22nd of April, and this is how the world took one step towards a better planet.

But Earth continues to have several environmental issues that worsen over time.

If this goes on for an estimated 20 to 40 years, it may cause a permanent collapse of human civilization because of a lack of resources.

Today is ‘Earth Day’ 2022, an opportunity for all of us to take action against our planet's degradation.

Here are some things we can do for earth day!

Plant new trees

Planting new trees help increase the tree population, which absorbs carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas that helps reduce global warming and provides shelter to many birds, insects, and mammals.

Go for clean drives

Clean drives help reduce trash from the soil, allowing new trees to grow.

Use as much fewer non-renewable resources as possible

Using as much fewer non-renewable resources helps decrease the waste in landfills which in turn decreases pollution.

Decrease your carbon footprint

Use as much less electricity as possible as producing electricity needs the combustion of fossil fuel that discharges carbon into the atmosphere.

It's not only on ‘Earth Day’ we can make these contributions. It's every day!

Every day is an earth day!

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Apr 23, 2022

you really inspired me

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