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Contributions from Around the World

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Indeed, it is an undeniable truth that the activities of human beings are significantly contributing to the rapid degradation of our planet. However, it is heartening to see that certain organizations and individuals are taking proactive steps to address this critical issue.

Here are some contributions from around the world to this cause:


Trees are the longest-living species on Earth. they are vital for storing greenhouse gas emissions, filtering air, generating water, and nourishing the soil. Yet the world loses millions of trees every minute, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

To recompense for this, planting trees by hand can always help, but it cannot match up to the rate at which trees are getting deforested. So, many companies and organizations have come up with the idea of making a drone to plant trees. These drones spray tree seeds and fight deforestation. They claim that drones can plant close to a billion trees per year.


Organic bags were developed by Ashwath Hegde from Bangalore. After four years of extensive research, he founded a company called Envigreen which produces special organic bags. These bags take only about 180 days to biodegrade and can be burnt without releasing poisonous dioxin gases. They can dissolve in water in a matter of seconds.

These bags are made from plant starch, vegetable oil, and vegetable waste, which together are safe and eco-friendly.


Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas composed of carbon and hydrogen. it is regarded as one of the most heat-trapping gas, roughly 30 times more potent as a greenhouse gas.

The problem begins when unburned gas leaks and releases into the atmosphere from oil fracking and other activities which remain undetected for months.

A team of scientists is trying to send a satellite into space that can pinpoint when and where methane leaks take place.


Arturo D'Souza from Goa began a citizen movement called "Save Bondvol Lake". D'Souza had been noticing that the Bonvol lake had become totally dry, and it was evident that this was caused by human involvement, like the construction of new buildings. So, he took the lead and put the construction on hold. The movement to save the lake is now near completion, with Bondvol lake, along with around 10 other lakes, set to be declared as “wetlands”.


A team of mothers and grandmothers patrol the forests of Indonesia's Sumatra island on a mission to battle deforestation and the hunting of the animals inhabiting that region. the team takes on the illegal loggers and hunters threatening the Sumatran tigers, pangolins and other endangered wildlife.

I hope these people fighting for change inspire you to join them. Good Luck!

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