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Our ocean is one of the most significant resources we have on this planet, where approximately 700,000 marine species thrive. Water covers about 70% of the earth's surface, which claims that the oceans have a more extensive ecosystem than land. Weakening the ocean's biodiversity can cause a threat to marine life and may end up breaking the whole marine ecosystem.

Our ocean is degrading day by day because of many factors. Every year, approximately 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean.

Plastic pollutants are one of the greatest agents of ocean deterioration. These pollutants have covered about 40 percent of the world's oceans. 800 species worldwide are affected by marine debris, of which 80% is plastic.

Oil and industrial chemicals are released in freshwater ecosystems, which gradually enter the ocean, affecting marine species.

Others include detergents, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, sewage, and pesticides.

Ocean pollution is rising up the scale, affecting much of the earth's biodiversity. So, it is essential that we take action for this cause.

Here are some things we can do to ensure not much plastic ends up in the world's oceans.

1. Reduce your use of plastic

2. Buy naturally grown crops

3. Reuse and recycle

4. Support organizations worldwide for ocean cleanup

5. Spread the world

Doing this bit can help the planet's oceans to heal.

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Earth is a remarkably bright, vibrant, and stunning place. It exists to be the only planet in our solar system known to have life. But it is deteriorating day by day primarily because of pollution.

Pollution has many adverse effects on our environment:

Climate change is rising massively up the scale as factories and power plants release greenhouse gases that contaminate the air, making a hole in the ozone layer. So we must help maintain pollution for a sustainable climate.

Pollution can instantly degrade the water bodies and soil, causing all flora and fauna living in it and around it to weaken. This creates a threat to the wilderness.

When the pollutants, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide react with water and oxygen in the air, it creates acid rain.

What’s the solution to all these issues?

Here are some simple solutions to pollution:

  1. Save energy and use green energy

  2. Walk, bike or use public transport often

  3. Choose sustainable products

  4. Eat local organic produce and eat less meat

  5. Reduce, reuse and recycle

  6. Buy recycled products

  7. Grow your own food

  8. Use of fans instead of air conditioner

  9. Use filters for chimneys

  10. Avoid use of crackers

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Forests are vital for many thriving ecosystems. But humans are clearing these crucial habitats on a tremendous scale. This causes biodiversity’s weave to weaken, which may soon lead to an entire ecosystem falling apart. Over the last 32 years, the world has lost 420 million hectares of woodland. The depletion of significant ecosystems has accelerated since the 1920s through the 1980s, in which 120 million hectares were destroyed, as per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, due to the demand for agricultural land and energy from wood. Every day approximately 42 million trees are cut down.

Right now, about 31% of the earth’s land is covered with trees. But, if this continues, the world's rain forests will vanish within 100 years- causing unknown effects on the global climate and eliminating the majority of plant and animal species on the planet, according to Earth Observatory NASA.

So we must take action before it's too late.

Here are some simple things we can follow to lessen the rate of deforestation:

  • Plant trees

  • Reduce the usage of plant products

  • Buy recycled products and then recycle them again

  • Buy certified tree products

  • Support companies who contribute to reducing deforestation rates

  • Raise awareness

Taking these few steps can make our planet a better place to live in!

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