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A country is fighting for change for the last 53 years since its independence. A change that could make the world cleaner, greener, and a better place to live in. This country has gradually developed ideas and solutions to some of the problems that all countries face.

This country has taken significant steps towards sustainable development like reducing vehicle population and making a transition from burning fossil fuels to using natural gas to generate electricity. Today, over 95 percent of its electricity is generated by natural gas.

This country has also mastered the art of turning black water into water that can be consumed by us. Yes! It is true!

Disgusting and smelly landfills do not exist there.

This country burns the trash, filters out the smoke, collect the ashes, and dumps them underwater near a manmade island that has been converted into a horticulture paradise.

This country is Singapore.

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The Earth’s soil is home to more than 7,000 species of organisms. It is one of the most vital and vast ecosystems present on our planet. But unfortunately, even the soil has been deteriorating drastically for the last 70 years in terms of biodiversity, nutrition, and soil erosion. So it is time we take the initiative to contribute to solving this great environmental issue that has been concerning the environment for about 4,000 years as a result of agricultural practices.

Why is soil biodiversity important?

Organisms that inhabit the soil have positive impacts on soil fertility and plant growth, therefore supporting agriculture. They help in the decomposition of organic matter and circulate important elements such as nitrogen and oxygen. Disturbing the soil biodiversity would lead to detrimental effects on soil and agriculture.

The soil is a very nutritious element on the surface of our planet, but gradually, the nutrition levels have dropped down. The nutritional values of some popular vegetables, from asparagus to spinach, have dropped significantly since 1950. The average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped by 27%. These are some pieces of evidence of how our planets soil is declining because of lacking nutrient levels.

The rate of soil erosion has increased by around 80%, which is a severe threat to soil biodiversity, agriculture, and plant growth. It may cause major floods and desertification.

And this is how the Earth's soil is moving towards a threatening future.

But we still have time to create a better future for our planet. Taking a step towards better soil means taking a step toward a better environment.


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Saving the environment is only possible if we do it together. Like us, there are many other organisations fighting for change. Some people also do their best by being responsible of their daily activities.

This is how you can try to slow down the deterioration of our planet:

  1. Plant a tree

Planting trees can provide habitation to unsteady ecosystems. Trees can help reduce greenhouse gases that affect the earth's climate and can help produce a sufficient amount of oxygen.

2. Reduce the usage of plant products

Manufacturing plant products cause forest loss. Reducing the usage of plant products can help conserve biodiversity.

3. Save electricity

Saving electricity will reduce carbon emissions while burning fossil fuel, a rare natural resource, to create electricity.

4. Preserve water

Do you know that only 3% of the earth's water is fresh? We must save water for ourselves and future generations.

5. Reduce, reuse and recycle

Let's not waste it. Use it as something else.


When your waste ends up in landfills, a freshwater or saltwater ecosystem, it damages the ecosystems around it. So, use a waste object as something else.

Let’s not use it too much, it harms the environment.


We use things in our daily lives, but some harm our planet. It may degrade biodiversity or even put an end to a species. So, we must try to reduce the usage of such objects.

Why don't we turn it into something else?


Recycling means processing an object and turning it into something else. It can support our planet by not littering it.

We value everyone's contribution to our planet. These small steps can make our planet a better place to live in.

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